What Documents I Need To Sell On Amazon Wholesale
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When selling on Amazon, many sellers face the problem of lacking certain documents to comply with Amazon's policies. Every element of your business listed in your Amazon seller account should have documentary evidence, whether it's supplies from the manufacturer/rights holder, business address, or credit card.
So today, Solver will provide detailed information on what documents you need to have when managing a seller account on Amazon. Having pre-collected and prepared documents will help swiftly address any future issues from Amazon representatives. Consequently, your sales won't face interruptions.
What Documents are required to sell on Amazon
Business Information
When registering a seller account, Amazon will request you to identify yourself as a separate seller. To fulfill this requirement, you need to provide the following information:
- Full name as stated in your ID or your company's name (for LLC);
- Business address, meaning the physical address of your residence (for individuals) and the main office address (for LLC);
- Email address you'll use to log in to Seller Central;
- Phone number to receive OTP codes;
- Credit card and bank account information, including the owner's details (i.e., yours or your company's);
- Tax information.
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Credit Card Statement
One of the most important documents frequently requested by Amazon representatives is the credit card statement. It should correspond to the credit card listed as active in the Charge Method in your seller account. The credit card statement must have the same contact person details as listed in your seller account. The credit card statement should also have the bank's name and stamp. Also, it's worth noting that the credit card statement should have the same contact person address as listed in the Business Address section. The credit card statement should be active, meaning it should have transactions.
Amazon representatives might request the credit card statement for address verification, supply chain, or even as an ID. Hence, the importance of the credit card statement should not be underestimated.
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Bank Statement
Like the credit card statement, the bank statement is meant for address verification, supply chain, or ID confirmation. The bank statement should correspond to the same bank account active in the Deposit Method.
Similar to the credit card statement, the bank statement should have the following bank account details:
- The same full name as in the seller account.
- Business address.
- Phone number.
- Bank's name and stamp.
Tax Identification Number
This point is crucial if you're a US resident or non-US resident but have an LLC.
For LLC. After successfully registering the company, don't rush to register the Amazon seller account. Initially, you must obtain an EIN from the IRS (tax agency). An Employer Identification Number is mandatory for conducting business on Amazon as an LLC.
To obtain an EIN, contact the IRS via phone or fax and request this number. An IRS representative will assist in creating an application for the EIN and send it to your email or fax within a few days.
Remember that the tax identification number should not be lost as it remains with you throughout your company. Amazon representatives might annually request confirmation of the employer identification number to ensure your company's activity complies with current legislation.
For US resident individuals. For business on Amazon, Amazon representatives might request your social security number. You should have had this tax id number previously. Creation of the number and card production is provided free of charge by the Social Security Administration. Therefore, if you're a US resident but don't have a social security number, make sure to contact the Social Security Administration.
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Amazon Seller Compliance Documents
Business Address
The business address is the physical address of your residence if your Amazon seller account was registered as an individual or the address of your main office if your Amazon seller account was registered as an LLC. If you’re an LLC, you can hire a registered agent service who will handle legal documents and government notices while helping you maintain your privacy and compliance.
The business address is specified during account registration and can be changed at any other time via the Business Addresses Section. Additionally, you can add other addresses in the Business Address section, but note that only one address can be the active business address.
Phone Number
You provide a phone number during seller account registration. Later on, you can change it through the Login Settings section.
The phone number is necessary to receive OTP codes for accessing sensitive sections of your seller account. For example, the deposit method section. Additionally, the phone number can serve as a direct communication channel between you and Amazon Support in case of emergencies and issues related to your seller account.
Therefore, we strongly recommend having an active phone number for successful Amazon business operations.
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Do you need an LLC to sell on Amazon?
When conducting business on Amazon through the wholesale model, many sellers wonder: is it worth registering an LLC and transferring the seller account to a company? Our answer: it's definitely worth it. Moreover, if you conduct business through the wholesale model.
Registering an LLC and the seller account under the company name provides more trust to Amazon representatives and major rights holders with whom you will be cooperating.
Registering an LLC signifies that you are ready to conduct your business openly and seriously. It attracts major rights holders because they will have more confidence in your legality. Consequently, rights holders will worry less that there might be any manipulations or fraud with their branded products, thus tarnishing the brand's name. Therefore, rights holders will be more loyal to you if you have a registered LLC.
At the same time, as our years of experience in reactivating seller accounts show, Amazon representatives are more lenient in contacting and reactivating seller accounts that have been registered as LLCs.
Therefore, registering an LLC might initially seem like an additional and unnecessary expense. However, while developing your business on Amazon, an LLC will become essential for boosting your sales.
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Documents needed for wholesale
After successfully registering an Amazon seller account, the need for supporting documentation doesn't end, especially if you have decided to conduct business through models like wholesale or dropshipping.
When purchasing products from other brand' rights holders, you must always obtain invoices from them. An invoice is one of the confirmations of your products' authenticity. Invoices confirm your supply chain and the original source for your products. Accordingly, invoices also confirm the originality of the products. However, it's worth noting that Amazon has specific requirements for invoices:
- Full name or company name of the buyer (you or your company) + Full name or company name of the seller (rights holder);
- Invoice date;
- Your and the seller's address (rights holder);
- Your email address and phone number + seller's email address and phone number (rights holder);
- The minimum order quantity should be 10 units.
We strongly recommend preparing the invoice jointly with the rights holder before providing it to Amazon representatives. Note that Amazon representatives may recheck the information stated in the invoice via a call or email to the rights holder.
Suppose you're not directly cooperating with the rights holder but purchasing products from a distributor. In that case, you additionally need invoices between your distributor and the rights holder to confirm the authenticity of the supply chain. In this case, the requirements for the invoice remain the same.
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Authorization Letter or License Agreement
In addition to invoices, you need to have an authorization letter or license agreement. This documentation must be directly agreed upon and signed between you and the rights holder. These documents will confirm your right to sell products that are the rights holder's intellectual property.
Authorization must be obtained from patent holders, trademark owners, and copyright holders.
Requirements for the authorization letter or license agreement:
- Names of the parties to the agreement;
- Addresses of the parties to the agreement;
- Email addresses and phone numbers of the parties to the agreement;
- License effective date;
- License expiration date;
- Products covered by the license.
Note that similar to invoices, the authorization letter or license agreement must have the same data about you as in your Amazon seller account.
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Can I sell on Amazon without a license?
Yes. If you are an individual, Amazon will not require your business license. If your seller account is registered as an LLC, the presence of a business license is also not a mandatory requirement.
In all cases related to account verification, Amazon representatives clearly state that you must provide a business license only if you obtained one previously.
Do you need a bank statement to sell on Amazon?
Yes, definitely. A bank statement will be required when registering a seller account. Also, as experience shows, Amazon representatives have fewer questions when submitting a bank statement than a credit card statement during further seller account verifications.
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Final thoughts
Each year, Amazon aims to minimize risks associated with fraud and the sale of counterfeit products. The Amazon system and verification methods are increasingly modernizing. In 2023, Amazon paid particular attention to sellers with wholesale and dropshipping models.
Therefore, a quality start selling wholesale on Amazon in 2023 and in the future is only possible through an honest path with Amazon Policies compliance confirmation by supporting documentation described above.