Bulk Restriction Checker

Quickly identify restricted products and brands on Amazon and supplier websites in bulk. Check up to 20,000 ASINs simultaneously to streamline your product sourcing process

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Automate bulk restriction checks with Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker
BULK Restriction Checker

Automate bulk restriction checks

Automatically detect restricted products and brands in bulk. Save time and avoid the hassle of manual restriction checks product by product. Upload a list of ASINs to Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker. It displays a green open lock for ungated products and a red closed lock for items requiring Amazon approval for each ASIN

BULK Restriction Checker

Verify your eligibility to sell products in bulk

Easily determine if you can sell products on your Amazon Seller Central account in bulk. Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker highlights products you can sell with a green open lock, and those you can't with a red closed lock with an exclamation mark

Verify your eligibility to sell products in bulk with Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker
Spot brand gate for multiple products simultaneously with Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker

Spot brand gate for multiple products simultaneously

Determine brand gate for large quantities of products. Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker shows a green open lock for ungated brands and a red closed lock for brands requiring approval


Streamline your product research

Effortlessly identify product restrictions by uploading a list of ASINs to Bulk Restriction Checker. Get a report with each ASIN restriction status: green lock for products you can sell, red lock for gated products, red lock with exclamation mark for products you can’t sell on Amazon

Streamline your product research with Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker
Pick out ungated products from supplier lists with Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker

Pick out ungated products from supplier lists

Safely source products from brands and distributors by easily verifying their restrictions in bulk with Seller Assistant’s Bulk Restriction Checker. Identify gated products before purchasing inventory

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit Help Center

What is the Bulk Restriction Checker tool?

The Bulk Restriction Checker is a tool provided by Seller Assistant designed to help Amazon sellers check product restrictions and brand gating for their inventory in a bulk format. It simplifies the process of identifying which products you can sell on Amazon.

How do I use the Bulk Restriction Checker?

Using this tool is straightforward:
- Upload Your ASINs: Begin by uploading up to 20,000 ASINs that you want to check.
- Get Detailed Results: Our tool processes your ASIN list and generates a comprehensive report, clearly indicating which products are restricted and which are not.
- Download the Report: Access the results by downloading the report for further analysis.

Is there a limit to the number of ASINs I can check at once?

You can upload up to 20,000 ASINs in a single batch. This bulk processing capability is designed to accommodate Amazon sellers managing larger inventories.

How quickly will I receive the results after uploading my ASINs?

The Bulk Restriction Checker is fast! It takes just 1 second to check 1 ASIN. So, even if you upload a substantial list of ASINs, you can expect to receive the results promptly, ensuring you have quick access to the product restriction information you need.

What should I do if I encounter issues or have questions while using the tool?

If you have any questions or face any problems, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We value your feedback and are here to assist you promptly.

Is a Connected Amazon Seller Account Required to Use the Bulk Restriction Checker?

Yes, to utilize the Bulk Restriction Checker, you must have a connected Amazon seller account. This allows the tool to access the necessary data to check product restrictions and brand gating for your ASINs. Please ensure your Amazon seller account is properly linked before using the feature.

How Bulk Restriction Checker Works

Seller Assistant's Bulk Restriction Checker (Beta) is designed to streamline your Amazon selling experience. Here's a step-by-step guide to using this powerful tool:

Step 1: Upload Your ASINs

  • Start by uploading up to 5000 ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) that you want to check for restrictions or brand gating.

Step 2: Get Detailed Results

  • Our tool quickly processes your ASIN list and provides you with a comprehensive report.
  • You can easily see which products are restricted and which ones are not.

Step 3: Download the Report

  • Access the results by downloading the report. It's that simple!

Why Choose Bulk Restriction Checker?

  1. Time-Saving: No more manual, one-by-one checks. Save time by examining multiple ASINs at once.
  2. Efficiency: Quickly identify which products you can sell on Amazon, helping you make informed decisions about your inventory.
  3. Beta Advantage: As a Beta user, you get to use this feature for free and provide us with valuable feedback to help us enhance it further.

Get Started Today

Ready to take your Amazon selling to the next level? Get started with Seller Assistant's Bulk Restriction Checker now. Whether you're managing a large inventory or just starting out, this tool is a valuable addition to your toolkit.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to simplify your product restriction checks. Start using the Bulk Restriction Checker today and make informed decisions about your Amazon business.

In Conclusion

The Bulk Restriction Checker from Seller Assistant is your shortcut to efficient and accurate product restriction checks on Amazon. Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself. Happy selling!

Save time by verifying product restrictions in bulk

Determine restricted products and brands for up to 20,000 ASINs at a time. Upload the list of ASINs and get a report specifying each ASIN’s restrictions and your eligibility to sell it

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