Seller Assistant is one of the must-have tools for wholesale and arbitrage sales on Amazon.

Alongside paid functionality, Seller Assistant offers free features, such as IP Alerts, a Product Page Widget showing BSR and seller quantity on the listing, and Quick View.

Please find below the comparative analysis of the popular DS Amazon Quick View with one of the Seller Assistant features — Quick View.

Let's compare

Seller Assistant / Quick View
DS Amazon Quick View

Please, take a look at the comparative table below. 

Seller Assistant App

DS Amazon Quick View

Seller Assistant / Quick View feature

DS Amazon Quick View


Amazon Search Page and Storefront Widget


Having quick access to product metrics on the Amazon listing is vital for product research. Most plugins are only available by clicking on the icon, which complicates the process.

Both Seller Assistant and DS Amazon Quick View show up right on the Amazon search or product pages. No extra clicks are needed

BSR and Category

Also shows BSR for Subcategories

Merchants on Amazon sell products in specific categories. BSR (Best Sellers Rank) shows how the product ranks compared to other products in its category. Estimating BSR from the start is vital because it also indicates how well the product sells. BSRs on Amazon differ from category to category.

Both ✔️ Seller Assistant and ✔️ DS Amazon Quick View show Category and BSR right on the Amazon search or product pages.


You can't copy the product link, and ASIN

ASIN is Amazon Standard Identification Number; it’s a unique number assigned to s product by Amazon. You can find and track products by this number.

✔️ Both Seller Assistant and ✔️ DS Amazon Quick View show ASINs right on the Amazon search or product pages.

With Seller Assistant, additionally, you can copy the product link and ASIN which is very convinient.

IP Alert


IP Alerts warn sellers that the product has intellectual property rights claims. Amazon sellers very often resell other brands' products. If a product has an IP alert, this means that the brand owner has issued an IP complaint on this ASIN in the past.

Selling such products may lead to account suspension or a ban.

✔️ Seller Assistant has developed a unique IP Alert system. Complaints are automatically collected daily. You will always know the type of complaint and the date it was received. Trade safely with us!
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DS Amazon Quick View doesn’t have such a feature.

Restriction Checker (Brand Gate)

Paid feature

Often, sellers can face different types of product restrictions and sales limitations on Amazon. A product can belong to a gated category or brand. Then, Amazon requires you to get approval to sell it. Failing to do so may lead to account suspension.

✔️ Seller Assistant shows product restrictions (Brand Gate)
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❌DS Amazon Quick View doesn’t have such a feature.

Supplier link

Paid feature

Adding a supplier link is essential because you can select a product supplier and save it right on the product page. You don’t need to look for this information elsewhere, it will be linked to a specific ASIN. That saves time and effort.

✔️ Seller Assistant allows you to add a supplier link in a particular input field.

❌ DS Amazon Quick View doesn’t have such a feature.

Custom product notes

Paid feature

Adding custom notes to a product on Amazon is essential. You can leave any relevant information, not to forget it in the future. 

✔️ Seller Assistant allows you to add custom notes to any product on Amazon. The notes will be available on the Amazon Search Page, Amazon Product Page, Seller Central Inventory Page, and your Seller Assistant account.
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DS Amazon Quick View doesn’t have such a feature.

FBM & FBM Sellers Quantity


It’s crucial to know how many merchants sell the product to estimate the competition level. Also, Amazon prioritizes FBA sellers in granting the Buy Box. The competition is very high if there are too many sellers in the listing. If too less, the product may have a problem.

Both Seller Assistant and DS Amazon Quick View show FBM & FBM Sellers Quantity right on the Amazon search or product pages.

Keepa Graph Preview on Search Pages

Paid feature

Keepa is a seller tool that displays a product’s price history and sales ranks in an interactive graph. It helps estimate the product’s sales dynamics and volume.

❌ Seller Assistant doesn’t show it, while ✔️ DS Amazon Quick View displays it only to paid subscribers.

Likes & Dislikes

Paid feature

Likes and dislikes feature allows sellers to mark products that are good or poor candidates for further product research.
This feature helps you filter out unnecessary items. 

✔️ Save time and effort with Seller Assistant.

❌ DS Amazon Quick View doesn’t have such a feature.

An Advanced Alternative to DS Amazon Quick View

Seller Assistant is a powerful alternative to DS Amazon Quick View. It combines two extensions: Seller Assistant Browser Extension, and IP-Alert Chrome Extension by Seller Assistant, Amazon seller tools: Bulk Restrictions Checker and UPC/EAN to ASIN converter, and features: Side Panel View, FBM&FBA Profit Calculator, Quick View, ASIN Grabber, Stock Checker, IP Alert, and Restrictions Checker.

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