Let's compare

Seller Assistant vs BuyBotPro

Please, take a look at the comparative table below. 

Seller Assistant App


Seller Assistant





Seller Assistant’s price offer is almost 25% cheaper compared to BuyBotPro’s.

Amazon-approved third-party app


Amazon's approval of the third-party app ensures that you can safely share your data. Amazon encourages sellers to use verified apps from its trusted software partners available in the Selling Partner Appstore.

Seller Assistant is an Amazon-approved third-party app.

BuyBotPro is not Amazon-approved.

On-page FBM & FBA Profit Calculator


Sellers often search for the products with the search requests. In such a case, it’s important to see product-related parameters on the search page.

Both Seller Assistant and BuyBotPro offer this feature. They provide a convenient, user-friendly interface allowing you to calculate all necessary product parameters.

Amazon Search Page Widget


Sellers often search for the products with the search requests. In such a case, it’s important to see product-related parameters on the search page.

Seller Assistant appears right on the Amazon search or product pages. No extra clicks are needed. The layout is more convenient because you can see all information you need right on the Amazon product and search pages.

BuyBotPro doesn’t appear on the Amazon search pages. It launches automatically on Amazon product pages as a side dashboard.

IP Alert

it doesn’t specify the types of IP complaints

IP Alerts warn sellers that the product has intellectual property rights claims. Amazon sellers very often resell other brands' products. If a product has an IP alert, that indicates the brand owner has previously issued an IP complaint on this ASIN. Selling such products may lead to account suspension or a ban.

Seller Assistant has a unique proprietary Advanced IP Alert system. Complaints are automatically collected daily. You will always know the type of complaint and the date it was received. 

BuyBotPro also has this functionality. However, it doesn’t specify the types of IP complaints and their date.

Restrictions and alerts


When researching the product, it’s vital to see all restrictions and alerts immediately. You must know if a product is gated, oversize, meltable, etc. because that can essentially increase the cost of sales.

Seller Assistant shows if you are eligible to sell the product and all restrictions and alerts right on the Amazon search and product pages. It gives you warnings about IP Alerts, HazMat, oversize, meltable, fragile, Adult flags, and more.

BuyBotPro shows if you are eligible to sell the product and if it has Hazmat, Private Label, oversize, meltable, and IP warnings (not specifying their nature).

Bulk Restriction Checker


Bulk Restriction Checker lets sellers quickly identify restricted products in your ASIN list. This feature is helpful if you need to check many products for restrictions.

Seller Assistant offers such a feature.

BuyBotPro doesn’t have it.

Offers and competition


To understand if a product is worth selling, sellers must analyze all offers and numerous competitor metrics. That includes the BSR and its changes, Buy Box price, the number of sellers and total by fulfillment type, their rating and other details, current stock levels, their prices, and more. Based on that, you can make an informed decision about a product purchase.

Both Seller Assistant and BuyBotPro provide all the necessary information. That includes BSR and its changes, Buy Box price, FBM and FBA offers and their number, competitors’ prices, rating, total product stock currently available, stock available by seller, and many other metrics.

Seller Assistant shows all these data on the product page. It additionally shows links to the Buy Box seller storefront. 

BuyBotPro shows all data in separate dashboards.

Data Export to Google Sheets


Exporting your analysis results to Google Sheets in one click allows saving and quickly processing your data in a convenient format.

Both Seller Assistant and BuyBotPro allow you to easily do so.

Custom product notes


Adding custom notes to a product on Amazon is essential. You can leave any relevant information so as not to forget it in the future or share it with your team.

Both Seller Assistant and BuyBotPro allow you to add custom notes to any product on Amazon. 

With Seller Assistant, the notes are available on the Amazon Search Page, Amazon Product Page, Seller Central Inventory Page, and your Seller Assistant account. You can also add likes & dislikes.

Lookup links

eBay and Google only

The Quick Links option allows you to easily look for your product on marketplaces other than Amazon.

Seller Assistant allows you to search on Google, Google Shopping, eBay, Walmart, Target, Webstaurant, Katom, The Home Depot, and Alibaba.

BuyBotPro offers the search on eBay and Google only.

Multiple browser support


Many sellers want to install and use their tools in their favorite browsers. For them, it provides additional convenience. 

Seller Assistant is available on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, while BuyBotPro is available on Chrome only.

Sub-accounts for VAs


With the sub-accounts feature, you can let your employees and VAs use your account without disclosing login and password details. That offers additional security and convenience. 

Seller Assistant offers sub-accounts feature and additional functionality for your teams.

BuyBotPro doesn’t have such a feature.

An Advanced Alternative to BuyBotPro

Seller Assistant is a powerful alternative to BuyBotPro. It combines two extensions: Seller Assistant Browser Extension, and IP-Alert Chrome Extension by Seller Assistant, Amazon seller tools: Bulk Restrictions Checker and UPC/EAN to ASIN converter, and features: Side Panel View, FBM&FBA Profit Calculator, Quick View, ASIN Grabber, Stock Checker, IP Alert, and Restrictions Checker.

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