Looking for a RevSeller alternative?

RevSeller Alternative

Seller Assistant is a powerful alternative to RevSeller. It combines FBA Calculator, IP Alerts, Quick View, Side Panel View, Asin Grabber, UPC/EAN to ASIN Converter and Stock Checker in one tool. All valuable information in one place. Finding goods for online arbitrage has never been easier.
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Let's compare

Seller Assistant vs RevSeller

Please, take a look at the comparative table below. 

Seller Assistant App


Seller Assistant



On-page FBA & FBM calculator


Having quick access to the FBA & FBM calculator is essential for Amazon sellers.
The majority of plugins are only available through clicking on the plugin icon, which is not easy to work with.

Both Seller Assistant and RevSeller’s show up right on amazon product pages. No extra clicks are needed!

Keepa Graph and Historical Data

except for BSR Drops

It is extremely important to know the current and historical product-related data.

Seller Assistant includes Keepa’s graph, shows the average price, BSR and the BSR Drops number (BSR Drop means that the product has been sold.)

RevSeller, however, shows current and average data, Keepa’s graph, but not the BSR Drops number.

Data Export to Google Sheets


To stay organized, Amazon Sellers need to save founded deals for future use. This daily routine kills a lot of time. Saving the data is painful, but needs to be done.

Seller Assistant has solved this issue. Now you can export analyzed data to Google Sheet in just one click. Stay focused on the product analyzing process and forget about copy-paste. More than 50 product characteristics are available for export.
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With RevSeller, however, you cannot do this.

Stock Checker


With Stock checker, you can see how many products are left on your competitors’ stocks. It’s important to know their remaining goods and how this data changes, so that you can plan your inventory replenishment and turnover. 

Seller Assistant shows remaining goods for all sellers, as well as the total quantity of goods.

RevSeller doesn’t have this.

Product restrictions

Hazmat and Oversize Only

Each product’s parameters vary from one to another, and knowing them is super important. For example, meltable products you can sell in the winter, you must wrap glass products in bubble wrap, oversize and hazmat are stored in separated warehouses.
Why is knowing them important? It helps estimate your expenses more accurately and avoid unexpected expenses due to product restrictions.

Seller Assistant shows various product restrictions and characteristics like Brand Gate, Set Qty, Fragile, Meltable, Hazmat, Oversize, Small & Light eligibility.
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RevSeller only shows Brand Gate, Hazmat and Oversize.

IP Alert


When you deal with dropshipping and online arbitrage, you sell other brands' products. Some brands want to protect themselves against fake. Sometimes too aggressively, which leads to the sellers getting banned from Amazon.

Seller Assistant has developed a unique IP Alert system. Complaints are automatically collected on a daily basis. You will always know the type of complaint and the date it was received. It's safer to trade with us!
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RevSeller doesn’t have this feature.

Product notes


It is essential to be able to add supplier links and custom notes to any product on Amazon.

Seller Assistant
allows you to add custom notes to any product on Amazon. The notes will be available on the Amazon Search Page, Amazon Product Page, Seller Central Inventory Page, and in your Seller Assistant account.
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RevSeller doesn’t have this feature.

European Marketplaces Support


If sellers sell on different marketplaces, it is important to have a single toolbox.

Seller Assistant supports US, CA, UK, DE, FR, IT, ES.

RevSeller supports US and CA only.

Sales and Profit Estimation


Product analysis includes a profit estimation and inventory planning for further purchasing.

Seller Assistant estimates sales velocity and calculates the potential profit considering competitors quantity and their type.

RevSeller doesn’t do it.

Product Quick View on the Search Page


Sellers often search for the products with the search requests. Then it’s important to see product-related parameters on the search page.

Seller Assistant / Quick View shows ASIN, BSR, and Category, whether Amazon is among sellers, as well as the number of FBA & FBM sellers on the search page.
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RevSeller doesn’t have it.

An Advanced Alternative to RevSeller

Seller Assistant is a powerful alternative to RevSeller. It combines FBA Calculator and FBM calculator, IP Alerts, Quick View, Side Panel View, ASIN Grabber, UPC/EAN to ASIN Converter and Stock Checker in one tool.

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