Seller Assistant's feature

Quick View

Do quick product research with Quick View by Seller Assistant. Evaluate key product details and instantly choose best products to sell on Amazon


¿Por qué Quick View de Seller Assistant App?

Consulta información valiosa sobre los productos directamente en las páginas de búsqueda de Amazon

Get all product data in an easy-to-understand way on the Amazon search pages. Quickly research hundreds of products, get rid of unnecessary results and select the best deals 
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Quick View

View product restrictions and alerts

Effortlessly identify your eligibility to sell the product, restricted inventory, and items with potential sourcing challenges on the Amazon search pages

Quick View by Seller Assistant. Effortlessly identify your eligibility to sell the product, restricted inventory, and items with potential sourcing challenges on the Amazon search pages
Quick View by Seller Assistant.
Quick View

All essential product data in one place

See ASIN, BSR, category, FBA and FBM seller count, your eligibility to sell the product, and custom notes on the Amazon search pages

Quick View

Add custom notes

Create custom notes to a product on Amazon. Add likes and dislikes, comments, and supplier links. The notes are available on the Amazon search and product pages in Quick View on supplier website, Seller Central inventory pages, and in your Seller Assistant account

Create custom notes to a product on Amazon with Quick View by Seller Assistant
Find products with intellectual property complaints on the Amazon search pages at a glance with Quick View by Seller Assistant
Quick View

Instantly spot IP-Alerts

Find products with intellectual property complaints on the Amazon search pages at a glance. A red triangle icon indicates items with IP claims

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Quick View

Research competition

See FBA and FBM seller count and Amazon as a seller on the search pages. Quickly estimate competition intensity by reviewing the count of FBA and FBM product offers

See FBA and FBM seller count and Amazon as a seller on the search pages with Quick View by Seller Assistant

Do quick research on the search pages

Visualiza ASIN, BSR, categoría, competidores, notas personalizadas y tu capacidad para vender el producto directamente en una página de búsqueda de Amazon.

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