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IP-Alert Extension Review
In this video, we'll show you how to use IP-Alert Extension by Seller Assistant. What you’ll learn?
✓ What is IP-Alert Extension by Seller Assistant? ✓ Steps to install IP-Alert Extension by Seller Assistant. ✓ Steps to use IP-Alert Extension by Seller Assistant.
Effortlessly detect IP complaints
Proactively avoid Amazon products and brands with intellectual property complaints. Seller Assistant marks high-risk products with a red triangle icon
Source your products safely
Receive IP warnings wherever you conduct product research. Seller Assistant’s IP Alert is visible on Amazon product and search pages, as well as in the Side Panel View on supplier website, indicating items with IP complaints
Identify all product issues by type
Determine the specific Amazon product policy violations associated with a product. By hovering over the red triangle IP Alert icon in Seller Assistant, you can view various violation types such as:
Keep abreast of the latest Amazon product issues. Seller Assistant’s exclusive Amazon policy violations database provides immediate updates on the type and date of each violation, helping you to avoid high-risk products
Automate brand IP complaints research
Automatically receive notifications about brands that file IP complaints to Amazon. Ensure you obtain permission from such brands before reselling their products
The Seller Assistant IP Alert feature automatically indicates when a product has IP complaints or other significant Amazon policy violations. It provides details on the exact issue and the date it occurred.
Where does Seller Assistant IP Alert appear?
Seller Assistant IP Alert is visible on Amazon product and search pages and within the Side Panel View on any website.
What data does Seller Assistant IP Alert show?
IP Alert by Seller Assistant allows you to easily identify the type of Amazon product policy violation. Hover over the red triangle IP Alert icon in Seller Assistant to see violation types such as: ✓ Suspected Intellectual Property Violation ✓ Automated Brand Protection Received Intellectual Property Complaint ✓ Intellectual Property Product Authenticity Customer Complaint ✓ Product Authenticity Product Condition Customer Complaint ✓ Product Condition Food and Product Safety Issue ✓ Product Safety Listing Policy Violation ✓ Listing Policy Restricted Product Policy Violation ✓ Restricted Products Customer Product Reviews Policy Violation ✓ Product Review Abuse ✓ Other Policy Violations
What is the Seller Assistant IP Alert feature?
The advanced IP Alert feature of the Seller Assistant helps you quickly identify products with intellectual property issues. The red triangle icon highlights products with IP complaints and other Amazon policy violations. This alert is supported by a unique Amazon policy violation database that updates automatically in real time, showing the type and date of the violation.
How does the Seller Assistant IP Alert feature work?
If a product has intellectual property complaints or other significant Amazon policy violations, the IP Alert by Seller Assistant displays a red triangle icon. Hover your mouse over the icon to see the type of violation and the date it was recorded.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
¡Mantente informado!
Te informamos sobre las quejas de propiedad intelectual recibidas de los propietarios de marcas.