Seller Assistant feature

Side Panel View

Instantly compare all product data and calculate profitability on Amazon pages, your Google Sheets, and any other website without leaving your current browsing session.


¿Por qué Side Panel View de Seller Assistant App?

Consulta información valiosa sobre los productos directamente en las páginas de búsqueda de Amazon
Título del producto, marca, ASIN, categoría y BSR, posición del producto en la categoría (Top), alertas, cantidad de vendedores en Amazon, punto de equilibrio (BEP), ventas estimadas del producto, calculadora FBA y FBM, y más.
5.0 de 5.0 en Chrome Web Store
side panel view

Side Panel View on Amazon Search Page

Access Side Panel View on Amazon search pages by clicking the Side Panel View icon in Seller Assistant’s Quick View

Access Side Panel View on Amazon search pages by clicking the Side Panel View icon in Seller Assistant’s Quick View.
The Side Panel View will automatically appear on the supplier's website
side panel view

Side Panel View on Supplier’s website

To access Side Panel View on the supplier or competitor website, or Google Sheets, open the product on Amazon, activate the Side Panel View icon in Seller Assistant, and open the supplier website or Google Sheets. The Side Panel View will automatically appear on the supplier's website

side panel view

Side Panel View on the Amazon product pages

To access Side Panel View on the supplier or competitor website, or Google Sheets, open the product on Amazon, activate the Side Panel View icon in Seller Assistant, and open the supplier website or Google Sheets. The Side Panel View will automatically appear on the supplier's website

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Side Panel View on the Amazon product pages

Side Panel View

Comparar datos de productos y calcular rentabilidad en las páginas de Amazon y en los sitios web de los proveedores.

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