Increase your lead-sourcing security by creating accounts for your team members. Let your virtual assistants check Amazon product and brand restrictions without accessing your seller account
In this video, we'll show you how to set up a Seller Assistant's Virtual Assistant Account. What you’ll learn?
✓ Role of virtual assistants in Amazon sales. ✓ How to set up a Seller Assistant's Virtual Assistant Account. ✓ Benefits of Seller Assistant’s VPN Extension for teamwork.
Суб-аккаунты от Seller assistant app
Пригласите членов своей команды
Seller Assistant App революционизирует ваш рабочий процесс, позволяя приглашать членов команды к совместной работе по поиску потенциальных клиентов на Амазон Онлайн-Арбитраж.
Суб-аккаунты от Seller assistant app
Позвольте VA проверить Brand Gate и ограничения
Позвольте вашим помощникам проверять ограничения на продукты и Brand Gate без доступа к вашей учетной записи продавца.
Суб-аккаунты от Seller assistant app
No more shared access to Seller Central
Боитесь поделиться своими ценными данными учетной записи продавца Амазон со своими виртуальными помощниками? Больше не беспокойтесь!
Суб-аккаунты от Seller assistant app
Ознакомьтесь с онлайн-списками арбитражных поставщиков для Brand Gate
У вас уже есть список поставщиков услуг Amazon Online Arbitrage? Сэкономьте время, проверив их на предмет ограничений и с помощью функции Массовая Проверка Ограничений. Узнайте больше
Суб-аккаунты от Seller assistant app
Больше не нужно делиться доступом к Google Sheets
Устали от рисков, связанных с предоставлением доступа к Google Sheets своим помощниками? Попрощайтесь с этим стрессом! Seller Assistant App предлагает безопасное решение. Подключите таблицу к основной учетной записи и Ваши данные остаются в безопасности, а совместная работа выходит на новый уровень!
What is Seller Assistant's Virtual Assistant Account for Amazon product sourcing?
Seller Assistant's Virtual assistant Account is a set of features that allows virtual assistants to check product restrictions and sourcing details without accessing the main Amazon Seller Central account. This ensures they can perform necessary tasks while maintaining the security of the primary account.
How do I set up a Seller Assistant's Virtual Assistant Account?
To set up teamwork on Seller Assistant, you must create a Team in Seller Assistant. As a Team owner, you can create sub-accounts for your team members and invite them. You can invite virtual assistants to your team and they can check product restrictions and sourcing details without accessing the main Amazon Seller Central account or add sourcing details to Google Sheets without accessing other data.
What tasks can a virtual assistant perform with Seller Assistant's Virtual Assistant Account?
With a Virtual Assistant account, a vA can check product restrictions, and evaluate product eligibility. They can also gather necessary data for sourcing decisions without accessing sensitive account information.
Why is it important to use a Seller Assistant's Virtual Assistant Account for Amazon product sourcing?
Using a VA account enhances security by restricting access to critical account areas. It allows virtual assistants to carry out their tasks effectively without compromising the main account's security and sensitive data.
Can a virtual assistant easily check Amazon products for restrictions?
Yes, virtual assistants can easily check Amazon products for restrictions with Seller Assistant's Virtual Assistant Account. Your employer must invite you to a team in Seller Assistant. When you access the invitation, you will get access to Restriction Checker and Bulk Restriction Checker. These tools show a green lock icon for ungated products and red lock for restricted products. A red lock with exclamation mark indicates you are not eligible to sell the product.
What should I do if I no longer need the services of a virtual assistant with a sub-account?
If you no longer require the virtual assistant's services, you should deactivate their account in Seller Assistant. This ensures they no longer can add any product sourcing information to your seller operations. However, with Seller Assistant's Virtual Assistant Kit, the essential information remains secure because the VA only has the access level you allow.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
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Пришло время взять контроль в свои руки и максимизировать потенциал вашей команды с помощью Seller Assistant App!