In this video, we'll show you how to use Alerts & Flags feature by Seller Assistant. What you’ll learn?
✓ Why use the Alerts & Flags feature? ✓ Which flags and alerts does Seller Assistant show? ✓ How to use and understand Alerts & Flags by Seller Assistant?
Determine restricted products in one click
See which products require Amazon’s approval to sell directly on Amazon product and search pages, and on supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant’s Restrictions Checker marks restricted inventory with the red closed lock icon
Identify products sold by Amazon
Find out which products are sold by Amazon to avoid unnecessary competition. Seller Assistant marks inventory sold by Amazon with red “A” icon on the product pages or with the Amazon sign on the orange background on the search pages
Recognize products with IP complaints
Easily determine and avoid products with intellectual property complaints from brand owners on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant’s IP Alert extension marks items with IP complaints with the red triangle icon
Detect large and bulky products
Recognize large and bulky products that incur extra fulfillment costs on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks large and bulky inventory with the red box icon
Identify easily breakable products demanding particular handling during storage and shipping, on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks fragile inventory with the red glass icon
Spot hazmat products
Differentiate hazardous materials (dangerous goods) category products that may pose a risk to safety, health, or the environment when you use, store, or transport them, on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks hazmat inventory with the red hazmat icon
Find out adult products
Pinpoint products related to sexual activities or sexual wellness that require Amazon approval to sell and specific packaging. Seller Assistant marks adult inventory with the red 18+ icon
Find products with a high risk of melting due to high temperatures that Amazon doesn’t store and ship during warmer months, on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks meltable inventory with the red drop icon
Determine generic brand products
Spot out unbranded products where Amazon doesn’t allow you to add your offers to existing listings, on the product and search pages, and on any supplier website in Side Panel View. Seller Assistant marks generic brands with the red “GB” icon
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Avoid products with Amazon alerts
Просматривайте уведомления о IP-Alerts, крупногабаритных товарах, легкоплавких товарах, опасных материалах и хрупких товарах в панели уведомлений.